Plants that use coal to make ash typically contain dangerous substances that are harmful to human health. This video provides a reason why coal ash and coal effluents that contain ash can be harmful.
It can be dumped in landfills or surface impoundments by certain power plants. Some plants may allow that it be released into nearby waters under their permit to discharge water. Mercury, cadmium and arsenic are the most common contaminants in coal ash. When not properly managed, could lead to groundwater pollution along with drinking water contamination. Short-term exposures can lead to irritation of the throat, the nose and the dizziness. Long-term exposure can lead to kidney damage, liver damage, cardiac arrhythmia, and many cancers. Despite the protests of a lot of people whose life has been affected through this toxic chemical, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has been unable to recognize coal ash as dangerous pollutant. This waste of coal has been pushing to explore renewable energy sources as well as to consign the coal ash to past history. qffhwdtz8z.